Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A second image client

This one is quite different from the previous client. It sends the width and height of the image to the server, and reconstitutes the pickled Image object from the byte stream the server sends back. It then uses pygame to display the image in a window, and does that as fast as it can. The width and height default to 300x300, but can be altered from the command line.

A second image server

Variation on the first.  This server expects the client to send the dimensions of the image to be returned - if the aspect ratio is different to the camera's aspect ratio, the camera image is cropped (centrally) to the correct aspect ratio, resized using thumbnail(), and sent.  Also, rather than sending a byte stream of the image data, I'm using pickle.dumps() to create a byte stream from an Image object, and sending that (since I'm already creating an Image object for the cropping and resizing).